Melisa Seah


Ads Acquisitions

Product Marketing


Driving revenue growth through scaled communications

  • Co-led the Global Cross Sell program, driving $300M+ annually through global inbound acquisitions email and direct mail campaigns

  • Launched Ads placement and go-to-market plan for the One Google Bar to all consumer Google account users, driving $47M in 182d Ads revenue to date (4X YoY) from highly sustainable customers (+7% vs average)

  • Strategized and launched 3 Google My Business email experiments to 471K users in US markets to route SMB users to relevant paid products, increasing the user experience through improved messaging and optimized user-product fit


Revamping campaign creative
  • Managed end-to-end campaign development processes for 12+ email campaigns for 10M+ users across 40+ markets through core email campaigns for cross-functional teams (Google Analytics, Google My Business, Google Domains, Local Services, Local Campaigns) to drive impact from creative brief to launch to post-campaign analysis

  • Led 14+ analysts and creatives across 3 external agencies to drive campaign deployment and creative work to overhaul email and direct mail creatives



News & Civics

Product Marketing


Spearheading research on consumer news preferences
  • Drove Google News market research to investigate 17,000 users and their news subscription preferences, managing $450,000 to program a quantitative study in conjunction with Ipsos
    • Presented learnings on subscription engagement, primary news channels, and national and global news preferences to key stakeholders, influencing Google News subscription strategy


Driving creative that represents our diverse users
  • Operationalized the internal Inclusive Marketing Consultants program, systematizing the project intake process for 100+ Google campaigns to organize DEI insights for over 2,000 points of actionable feedback including 300+ addressed P0s
    • Audited 43 brand campaigns through biweekly reviews, including top priority campaigns for Pride, YouTube, Android, Consumer Apps, Creative Lab, and more

  • Co-created the Inclusive Marketing Consultants Portfolio, an evergreen body of work featuring 10+ of the most impactful brand campaigns from the 430 creatives submitted to the Inclusive Marketing Consultants

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