Ads Acquisitions
Product Marketing
Driving revenue growth through scaled communications
Driving revenue growth through scaled communications
- Co-led the Global Cross Sell program, driving $300M+ annually through global inbound acquisitions email and direct mail campaigns
- Launched Ads placement and go-to-market plan for the One Google Bar to all consumer Google account users, driving $47M in 182d Ads revenue to date (4X YoY) from highly sustainable customers (+7% vs average)
- Strategized and launched 3 Google My Business email experiments to 471K users in US markets to route SMB users to relevant paid products, increasing the user experience through improved messaging and optimized user-product fit
Revamping campaign creative
Revamping campaign creative
- Managed end-to-end campaign development processes for 12+ email campaigns for 10M+ users across 40+ markets through core email campaigns for cross-functional teams (Google Analytics, Google My Business, Google Domains, Local Services, Local Campaigns) to drive impact from creative brief to launch to post-campaign analysis
- Led 14+ analysts and creatives across 3 external agencies to drive campaign deployment and creative work to overhaul email and direct mail creatives

News & Civics
Product Marketing
Spearheading research on consumer news preferences
Spearheading research on consumer news preferences
- Drove Google News market research to investigate 17,000 users and their news subscription preferences, managing $450,000 to program a quantitative study in conjunction with Ipsos
- Presented learnings on subscription engagement, primary news channels, and national and global news preferences to key stakeholders, influencing Google News subscription strategy
Driving creative that represents our diverse users
Driving creative that represents our diverse users
- Operationalized the internal Inclusive Marketing Consultants program, systematizing the project intake process for 100+ Google campaigns to organize DEI insights for over 2,000 points of actionable feedback including 300+ addressed P0s
- Audited 43 brand campaigns through biweekly reviews, including top priority campaigns for Pride, YouTube, Android, Consumer Apps, Creative Lab, and more
- Co-created the Inclusive Marketing Consultants Portfolio, an evergreen body of work featuring 10+ of the most impactful brand campaigns from the 430 creatives submitted to the Inclusive Marketing Consultants